Points to Ponder

A Different Kind of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a holiday defined in North America as a commemoration of a meal once celebrated by the pilgrims and the Wampanoags in 1621. They celebrated this day as a day of recognition that they had made it through the previous winter with supplies given to them by the Patuxet, a native American group from that day.

For the Christian, this day carries over to sharing food with family and friends and a day of Thanksgiving for all of the good fortune given to us by God Almighty throughout the past year. We are a very blessed people having all of the provisions given to us in this blessed land. This year, take the time needed to recognize all that God has done for us in providing for all of our needs.

1325 Fletcher Street/ Tupelo, MS 38804


email us: orcctupelo1953@gmail.com

Sunday School: 9:30am

AM Worship Service: 10:30am

Sunday PM Worship Service: 6pm

Wednesday Bible Study for All Ages : 6pm

Ladies Bible Study: Thursday, 5:30pm